Thursday, November 8, 2012

10 ways to use video and editing in the classroom:

1.  Give students option to produce a video presentation instead of giving an oral presentation in class.

2.  Have a weekly news broadcast where students come up with news stories and do interviews then edit the video and play the newscast at the end of the week.

3.  Have students interview each other for a "get to know you" activity.

4.  Have students produce a documentary.

5.  Create a video to convey information quickly to students in a format they frequently use.

6.  Have students find videos online and compile them in a video essay.

7.   Create a video webquest.

8.  Record your own lesson presentations and keep a video journal for future reference.

9.  Create video announcements to post on a class blog as a way to communicate with students and their parents at home.

10.  Keep video archives of major class productions, presentations, activities, field trips, etc.

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